When I first developed AeroClub Manager at Cornerstone Logic 25+ years ago my focus was on flight schools, partnerships, and flying clubs. That program evolved to FBO Manager which rose to be one of the most popular aviation point of sale programs in history. Flight School Software for FBOs has been lacking since I left the market with no experience and only the legacy of companies from last century continuing to support this small segment.
At the time FBO Manager had modules for flight schools, shop orders and work orders, fuel management, recurring billing, and of course exporting data to QuickBooks and PeachTree. In 2017 I started FBO Director to recapture the spirit of FBO Manager and embrace the industry I love – aviation. Since then we have built all of the same modules that FBO Manager once had.
Our new flight school software module tracks pilots and instructors. This includes the logic required for basic medical and knowing if a pilot is over or under age 40. In addition, we track checkouts for each pilot and know when a BFR is expiring. You can even add user-defined currency requirements.
Aircraft in the new software has all of the fields you would expect. In addition, we track the maintenance coming due on each airplane by calendar or tach reading as needed.
So how is FBO Director better than FBO Manager, TotalFBO or any other program on the market? We provide pictures of your aircraft, pilots, and instructors. FBO Director also provides block rates and can track individualized and custom pricing for each student, aircraft, or combination thereof.
One of the advanced features we have in FBO Director is our handling of sales tax. In Florida, a solo student versus a student in a dual flight pays a different tax rate. This is automatically handled by the software so your front desk personnel at the flight school or FBO do not have to make mistakes.
Check out a free demonstration version or call us with questions if you want to learn how FBO director can automate your flight school, replace TotalFBO, or even replace FBO Manager.